Minimalism is the new sexy

Minimalism is the new sexy

Black or White? I opt grey.

Life in modern day is full of chaos. People are living with lots of stress. People are keen to add things to improve lifestyle. They are missing the most important part. Before adding something they're not clearing the mess created in the past and consequently add more and more things making it more cluttered.

I constantly try to reduce things and make life less cluttered. Not just things, but jobs, businesses and people (Read how I did it). Things altogether open a different perception of how the life is. There was a time when things got appreciated. Over the period only experiences remained and things were subsequently suppressed.

I was a collector but my own collection soon became my stress companion. All that I had accumulated had became my own baggage to carry everywhere. My possessions were possessing me. The more things I own, the more things were owning me.

The more discarded, the more I learned. Minimalism teaches you values and align priorities. There has been a drastic change in the way I live, the way I'm trying to discard thing continuously. I'm on constant practice to reduce the things that I possess, less clothes, less stuff, less clutter and hence, less anxiety.

Not sure about others, but I found it rather amazing to become a minimalist and sticking to the basics. Helps me more on organizing and managing my life rather than managing things.

Chuck Palahniuk — 'The more things you own, the more they own you.'

Minimalism is the new sexy. Indeed, it was never out of fashion. It is the best trend one can follow to make life stress free. Even when I came across this book (The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up) by Marie Kondo, things became more clear and I knew that minimalism is one of those things that one should practice in depth.

Gone are the days to keep things so that they might be of some need in future. Give them up. Don't get attached to the. A wise man once said,

You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?

- Khalil Gibran (The Prophet)

It is difficult at start, but once you start discarding, you'll soon see that by reducing the extra baggage, you don't only reduce the clutter in your environment but inside your mind as well. There would be no stress, no anxiety or no desire to possess things.


The most important things in life are not things!

You've been an amazing reader. In case you have any doubts and queries on minimalism, feel free to hit me at: [email protected]. I read my emails and answer them as soon as I get time.

You've been an amazing reader. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day!

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Shubham Katta

Shubham is a problem solving enthusiast and a Software Engineer with rich and qualitative experience in versatile domains viz. Software Development, Graphic Design, Web Development and Corporate Communications covering diverse business sectors like Information Technology, E-Commerce, Health, Hospitality, Chemicals, Real Estate and Consultancy.
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