You can always be replaced – Dual perceptions!

The above statement has been continuously repeated, now and then, to show the mirror. Even the players as good as Nokia and Blackberry were easily thrown out of the game when Android replaced the traditional practices and the user experience. They were best at whatever they were doing. They were unable to see the vision, and when they were…. Well, it was way too late for them!!!

Everyone is so familiar and yet, unfamiliar with this statement at the same time. Yes, there are two different scenarios for this:

The first is the negative case and is most widely used in routine, especially, in the so called corporates. No matter how good you are in your job, you can always be replaced. The companies don’t think a while before replacing the employee. An employee should keep this in mind and plan the routine keeping this fact prominent.

I’ve seen situations where an employee is doing fine in a job and all a sudden on the next day, he is sacked. The reason could be anything; maybe he did not perform well, maybe due to office politics, maybe he considered himself overqualified, maybe anything else. The end result, however, remains the same.

The same is applicable vice versa. Doesn’t matter how good the company is, if an employee finds a better option, you know the rest! There is nothing wrong in this. That’s about the whole cycle. The important thing is that you should not crib. One should always mind the surroundings.

There is always someone in the line to take up that opportunity that you’re trying to shrug off your shoulders. The moment comes, and you’re thrown away as if you never existed.

My advice to you, take work very professionally or it won’t take much time to get someone better on that comfy chair of yours. You are known just by a very offensive term called CTC (Cost to Company). It’s pity that this term is still being used very widely. You should be a value to the company. Instead of that, you remain CTC almost more than half of your working life. You’re just a cost that they’re bearing. There are many fishes in the market willing do more in a lot less what you’re getting.

Keep in mind this fact and plan your decisions accordingly. Do not hesitate to take an action that improves your individual growth or bypass the barriers that are being responsible for halting your growth.

I’m not saying that only they are responsible; at the end of the day you, yourself are responsible for your actions. You can’t put the blame on anyone else. You are the only culprit who is affecting your growth.

The company won’t see that you devoted your X number of years to the service, the moment they find a better option, you’re gone! A live example of that was the implementation of H1B Visa policies by the President of US. A single decision and hundreds of thousands of jobs were adversely affected, a lot of cost cutting, gossips, politics was there and what not! No doubts, there were exceptions to that, but that is the crux, that you adopt to situations and become a better version of what you were.

There is also a second perspective to it as well:

That’s what children are for, to replace us!


– Seinfield

Do well, and when the time comes you know what shall be the next step. Even if you don’t, you have enough in your plate to figure out something that can utilize you, subsequently, increasing your growth!

Follow what’s coming or remain content in what you have.

You’ve been an amazing reader. Thank you for your valuable time.

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Shubham Katta

Shubham is a problem solving enthusiast and a Software Engineer with rich and qualitative experience in versatile domains viz. Software Development, Graphic Design, Web Development and Corporate Communications covering diverse business sectors like Information Technology, E-Commerce, Health, Hospitality, Chemicals, Real Estate and Consultancy.

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  1. Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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